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Quakers Hill Public School

Quakers Hill Public School


Telephone02 9626 9655


Volunteering at school

Helping out at school is a great way to get involved in your child’s education as well as get to know the staff and other parents and carers.

Research shows that children benefit when their parents or carers are actively involved in their education and school life.

You can help by:

  • listening to children read in the classroom
  • volunteering on sports days
  • helping supervise excursions
  • getting involved in fundraising activities
  • joining school committees.

Parent Involvement - information

Parent Helpers are an important way in which the school and parents can build the partnership between home and school. Parents have many and varied skills and can help the school and teachers in may ways to make the school a more successful learning environment for our children. We strongly encourage you to consider how you can contribute to our great school.

Parent Helpers are required on a yearly basis to complete a working with children check (pdf 433 KB) and undertake our school based training that looks at a number of important issues that volunteers in our school may encounter. Once trained you will be issued with an identification badge that must be worn at all times when you are working with us. It is also a safety requirement that you sign in and out at the front office when working in the school.

Parent Helper Induction (pdf 511 KB)