At Quakers Hill Public School we have a wide variety of extra-curricular activities offered. They include:
- Cultural activities that include concert band, dance, choir, keyboard and art.
- Competitions including public speaking, debating, reading, spelling, art, science, maths, technology, writing and sport.
- Leadership opportunities, both within the classroom and in the wider school community, including student representative council, prefect and house captain positions.
- Single day and overnight excursions and camps. As well as day trips related to current class topics and overnight excursions to Canberra and Bathurst, our opportunity class students participate in an overnight orientation camp at the beginning of each year.
The following programs are offered at Quakers Hill Public School:
- School band
- Cool Kids Music tuition
- Dance
- Choir
- Public speaking
- Debating
- Drama
Public speaking/debating
Quakers Hill Public School has an established and highly successful public speaking and debating program for students in the primary school years. The program aims to develop advanced oratory skills, logical argument, reasoning and the capacity to develop a well crafted argument to develop and extend the talking and listening aspect of our school literacy program.
Quakers Hill Public School has a rich history in its participation in these programs and has experienced many successes
Our students are afforded rewarding opportunities through;
- District debating
- Premier's debating
- Multicultural debating
- School based debating
- Blacktown learning community public speaking competition
- Western Sydney region public speaking competition
- School based public speaking competitions
Quakers Hill Public School has a number of experienced and highly talented dance teachers that provide a broad spectrum of dance opportunities for students. The school offers a number of dance groups that include:
- Stage 1 dance group
- Junior dance group
- Senior dance group
- Boys dance group
- Aboriginal cultural dance group
- Bollywood dance group
Participation in the dance program include performance opportunities throughout the school year at:
- The Celebration of Excellence
- The annual CAPA night
- Education week assemblies
- Education week performances at major shopping centres
- Blacktown music festival
- Sydney West dance festival
Cool Kids Music Company
Cool Kids Music Company provides a wonderful opportunity for students to have quality music lessons at school. Cool Kids programs promote confidence and self esteem, team work and commitment while creating enjoyment for themselves and others.
Cool Kids Music Company offer professional teachers with a quality curriculum whilst being affordable and convenient.
Phone: 04576MUSIC(68748)
Information booklet
For more information in relation to the cool kids program:
View Quakers Hill Public School Cool Kids Flyer (PDF 644KB)
View Quakers Hill Public School Cool Kids Application (PDF 146KB)
Quakers Hill Public School offers an infants, junior and senior choir program led by talented teachers.
Our students are provided with engaging repertoire and regularly perform at both school and regional choral events. The choir program is open to all students from beginning to experienced students K-6.
Students participating in the school choir perform at the following functions and venues;
- Principal's Assemblies
- Education Week Assemblies and Presentation day Assemblies
- District Education Week Assemblies at major shopping centres
- Blacktown Music Festivals
- Choral Concert
Crunch and sip
Crunch&Sip© is a set break to eat fruit (or salad vegetables) and drink water in the classroom. Students 're-fuel' with fruit or vegetables during the morning or afternoon assisting them physically and mentally in the classroom.
Each day students bring fruit (or salad vegetables) to school to eat in the classroom at a set time. Each child has a small clear bottle of water in the classroom to drink throughout the day to prevent dehydration.
Through Crucnh&Sip©, schools demonstrate their commitment to nutrition education in the classroom, by making links with the curriculum and creating a supportive school environment.