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Quakers Hill Public School

Quakers Hill Public School


Telephone02 9626 9655


About our school

Quakers Hill Public School

Quakers Hill Public School opened in 1912 and is the oldest school in this rapidly expanding suburb.

With student wellbeing at the fore, Quakers Hill Public School is a school where every child is known, valued and cared for. We are committed to promoting equity and excellence, so each and every student is provided with the very best education and the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Underpinned by the school banner statement Innovation-Excellence-Success, QHPS is at the forefront of education and a catalyst for innovation within the community. Our staff wholeheartedly embrace the school’s philosophy; striving for excellence, providing all students with a high-quality and future-relevant education, and preparing them for rewarding and productive lives in an increasingly complex world. We lead, nurture and inspire students, staff and the school community to imagine the endless possibilities, believe in themselves and the possibilities and create these possibilities.

The school has a strong commitment to providing a safe and supportive environment valuing cooperation, tolerance and respect. The school expectations are embedded in each and every classroom and supported by our wonderful parents and dedicated teachers. Quakers Hill is a truly multicultural school with 79% of our students from a non-English speaking background. Cultural diversity is recognised and celebrated by the school through multicultural and NAIDOC days, classroom activities and school leadership programs.

The school enjoys a highly cohesive mix of experienced and early career teachers, who work in partnership with the community to support a culture of high expectations and quality teaching and learning. QHPS has a strong reputation as an inclusive school, which is well-resourced and provides strong academic programs. The school has opportunity and enrichment classes, as well as a highly effective Learning and Support Team. Positive Behaviour for Learning supports student wellbeing and promotes a safe and supportive school culture, where every child is known, valued and cared for. 

Here at QHPS we design and implement effective learning spaces that are: open to encourage student freedom, movement and collaboration, varied to support different pedagogical approaches and the different learning needs of students, flexible so furniture can be rearranged to create different learning spaces at different times and integrated with technologies that encourage studentcentred learning.

Our students consistently perform at and above state average as indicated through external assessment and NAPLAN results. Teachers work tirelessly to ensure that this trend continues and that children are provided with innovative programs and excellent teaching practice.

The strong partnership that the school enjoys with the Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is an essential and vital component of the connectedness and shared vision that our school as a learning community enjoys. We have a clear direction for our school and our students and we work together to achieve this vision and direction. QHPS continues to be the school of choice for families within the local drawing area, for students from Kindergarten to Year 6.

QHPS is a proud, founding member of the Blacktown Learning Community (BLC).  Over the years, the Blacktown Learning Community has been, and continues to be, a proactive, empowering group of twenty-five schools in the Blacktown area of Western Sydney. It provides its students, its staff and its communities with programs, initiatives and educational learning.

At Quakers Hill Public School, we have an information book avaliable to our students and parents. Download and view the Quakers Hill Public School Information book (PDF 1215KB)

Our history 

The Quakers Hill area began to be subdivided in the early 1900s, with most of the land subdivided into 5-acre lots, and small market gardens and later poultry farms were in abundance. With subdivision came the churches (1910) and the public school.

Quakers Hill Public School was established in May 1912 in the presbyterian church hall in Osbsorne Road. Thirty students were enrolled at this time with a temporary teacher, Mr Neville appointed in order to 'test' the attendance. In October 1912 a permanent Principal, Mr George Cumming was appointed as the first Principal of Quakers Hill Public School.

In 1914 with 'the present building being overcrowded, with 48 students enrolled, and in a dilapidated condition and inadequate for school purposes', new premises in quakers road were occupied on 2 November 1914. This building, since extended, still stands and is in use as a classroom today. Quakers Hill Public School has grown over the years to it's present size of over 1090 students.

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