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Quakers Hill Public School

Quakers Hill Public School


Telephone02 9626 9655



Quakers Hill public School is at the forefront of education, our philosophy is to imagine, believe and create.

  • To imagine the possibilities, imagine what we can provide our students, imagine where we can take our students, and imagine what our students can experience.
  • To believe in what we are able to provide our students, believe in what we are able to achieve, believe in where we can take our students and believe in the possibilities.
  • To create a wonderful, rich, future focussed educational environment for each and every one of our students and to create engaging, challenging, stimulating learning environment for our students.

Our staff believe and embrace the philosophy that making/creating and being creative is a way of viewing the world with the personal confidence and competence necessary to overcome any obstacle that are encountered each and every day, even if only to discover that you have more to learn. In future focused education, the best thing schools can do is to prepare its students to solve problems their teachers never anticipated.

Children in schools where making is embraced report that their ability to navigate the world improves. They look at themselves, challenges they confront, and their potential through an enhanced pair of epistemic lenses. When the same materials, technologies, tools, and practices are found in the physics lab, art studio, and auto shop, schools can stop sorting children into winners and losers, and start engaging and preparing students for an amazing future filled with lifelong learning.

Intel Galileo Boards

Our school is one of 30 schools in Australia talking part in a world wide initiative - receiving 20 Galileo Generation 2 motherboards.

The programs designed around the new information and communication technology (ICT) component of the Australian Curriculum and looking at developing coding skills in students. Stage 3 students will be involved in the Galileo program as the initial pilot group.

This is in every sense an amazing opportunity for our school and wonderful recognition of the reputation our school has local and in a wider sense in terms of our passion for technology and learning. Stage 3 students and staff have commenced working on this project – sharing their journey with schools worldwide.

The project revolves around a theme of study around electricity. The students will require writing codes which will require lights to turn on and off, sirens and sounds to work and so on.

Follow our journey Intel Galileo coding journey through our inspiration youtube video - https://youtu.be/GCWEx-HJhfI


As Quakers Hill continues to embedded STEAM and robotics into our educational programs, parrot bebop, parrot rolling spider drones and orbotix sphero spheres have been added to the school's repertoire of amazing future focused resources so that our students can continue to explore the amazing world of coding. 

At Quakers Hill providing our students with state of the art, innovative tools in which to explore and express their creative is paramount. 3D printing is another technology that allows our students to engage with their learning. 

Our challenge - buy a 3D printer or allow our students the opportunity to build a 3D printer ?

The choice was infact simple - purchasing a 3D printer  as important as the process of building a 3D printer. In this was our students develeoped the skills and understanding of what 3D printing was all about, the harware, the software, the consumables. Through building the printer the students not only engaged in the tools to explore and create, but engaged in the tool that would be used to create.

How beneficial 3D printing is in education?

• It provides teachers with 3 dimensional visual aids that they can use in their classroom particularly in illustrating a hard to grasp concept

 • 3D printers make it easy for teachers to seize the interest of their students compared to just showing the pictorial representations of objects.

 • It enhances hands-on learning and learning by doing. Using this prototyping technology, students will be able to produce realistic 3 dimensional mini-models. (great for engineering, architecture, and multi-media arts students ).