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Quakers Hill Public School

Quakers Hill Public School


Telephone02 9626 9655


Future Focused

Future Focused Learning

Future focused learning prepares students across all curriculum areas and learning stages with skills and capabilities to thrive in a rapidly changing and interconnected world. It connects students and engages their sense of curiosity.

At Quakers Hill Public School this looks like:

Coding and Technology

Through the effective implementation of technology within the classroom students are practising essential sequential thinking and problem-solving skills in an innovative and engaging way that instils in them the fundamental skills of future focused, lifelong learners. Students engage in learning where technology is central to the product of the lesson. For more information visit Technology.

Flexible learning spaces

Classroom environments at QHPS cater to diverse learning and student engagement. Learning spaces are easily reconfigured to suit different activities and students develop the ability to use the spaces effectively for maximised learning experiences, creating autonomy in their learning.

Visible Learning

The concept of seeing clearly what teachers are teaching and what students are learning is known as Visible Learning. At QHPS it includes Learning Intentions and Success Criteria (LISC), as well as specific levels of feedback to facilitate and support the continued development and growth of each individual child.