Numeracy skills in kindergarten comprise number, measurement, space, data and patterns and algebra. The children begin by counting, writing and ordering numbers to 10, 20 and then 100. They learn to add, subtract and share numbers using concrete material and hands on activities. In space the children are introduced to two and three dimensional shapes, recognising the features of the shapes and where they occur in the environment. Children are involved in collecting and recording information in simple graphs and charts and identify long and short, heavy and light objects. An important part of the numeracy program is the ability to solve simple problems using pictures and diagrams.
Year 1 and 2
Numeracy skills in year 1 and 2 comprise number, measurement, space, data and patterns and algebra. The children extend their knowledge and understanding of numbers up to 999. There is a focus on mental computations and learning to select and apply a variety of strategies to solve mathematical problems. In the strands of space, measurement, data and patterns and algebra the children experience opportunities to build on prior knowledge and apply it to real life mathematical problems.
Technology underpins teaching and learning in all areas. The children are given opportunities to utilise computers, ipads, ipods, cameras, interactive whiteboards, robotics and interactive devices to enhance and consolidate their learning. Technology is an integral part of lessons across all curriculum areas, providing children with new ways to explore, consolidate and express their knowledge and understandings.
Year 3 and 4
Year 3 and 4 students demonstrate their numeracy accuracy skills and problem solving strategies in all strands of number, patterns and algebra , data , measurement , space and geometry and working mathematically. They will pose , investigate, explore and check solutions using a range of mental, written and technology strategies. During year 3 and 4 students will increase their use of mental, estimation and reflection skills to see how mathematics is an important part of everyday life experience. They will organise their thoughts using data, surveys, graphs, tables, reports and journals increasing their knowledge of measurement and spatial relations. The online mathletics program sponsored by the school has enriched many students in their love and application of numeracy.
Year 5 and 6
The content and skills introduced in the strands of number, space and geometry, patterns and algebra, measurement, chance and data encountered in previous stages are further developed in Stage 3. Students are encouraged to use a wide range of efficient written and mental computation strategies to complete calculations and are taught the skills needed to apply their knowledge in practical, problem-solving situations.
Targeted early numeracy
Targeted early numeracy (TEN) is program that explicitly teaches students K-2 the fundamental skills of addition and subtraction for problem solving. It is a program that targets students at risk in 5 week cycles by the classroom teacher to improve their ability to add, subtract and recognise numbers in many different learning situations. Skills and strategies are targeted through intense ten minute sessions every day, using games and strategies that promote success. Students are assessed constantly to ensure appropriate intervention happens to ensure student development in this aspect of numeracy.
This excellent mathematics computer program is the next generation of learning, engaging students in a fun, safe environment. The NSW curriculum is embedded into the software package and will change to include the Australian Curriculum as we move into 2012.
Students are able to log in at school or at home and complete tasks set by our teachers for homework, complete challenges against students around the world and match their skills against those of their opponents. Student/families can also log on to carry out some revision of work covered during the school day. Students can print out certificates as they complete tasks and activities and teachers are provided with assessment reports which will help drive programming and planning.