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Quakers Hill Public School

Quakers Hill Public School


Telephone02 9626 9655




As with reading, Mathematics is an area that children need to begin learning early in life. Having basic mathematical skills will allow your child to solve real-life problems.

Mathematics is used regularly in everyday life such as shopping, cooking and budgeting. With good maths skills, children will be better quipped to go out in the world and solve various problems that come along with being an adult.

Throughout the year, students will work towards learning outcomes from various Mathematics strands:

Number and Algebra

Measurement and Geometry

Statistics and Probability

Working Mathematically

Mathematics Programs in Kindergarten

Targeting Early Numeracy (TEN)

This initiative complements the regular Kindergarten numeracy program and the Best Start assessment process. This program consists of short 10 minute, focused, frequent numeracy blocks. The teacher provdes the studnets with explicit and systematic instruction in number, eg. counting, addition and subtraction.


Students are explicitly taught the processes involved in problem solving – learning how to attack and solve problems in a logical, systemic manner. Children are also taught a range of problem solving strategies that they can utilise later in life.

Helping your child at home

Whatever you do, make sure that your children enjoy it!  If they are having difficulty or getting bored, change it up – try to make it easier or more challenging to suit your child. Please don’t get impatient as this could put them off Mathematics for life.

Ideas to promote numeracy sklls:

- Sorting things out and putting things away. Discuss which things go together and give simple, clear instructions for position, eg. ‘in the cupboard’

- Comparing objects accoding to size, weight, shape, capacity

- Mathching and counting when setting the table, preparing food, sharing food, etc

- Handling small amounts of money and counting totals

- Talking about directions when walking around or playing with toys

- Making models with blocks, Lego, etc

- Playing games that involving matching and recognizing numbers or shapes, eg. snap, dominoes, snakes and ladders.